July 10, 2006


If you don't have a Yahoo account, you may not know this, but Yahoo users can create an avatar to represent them online in their Y! Messenger and Mail screens.

Here's mine. I call her Avatara. Pretty original, eh? Heheh. That's A like in apple - vuh - tar like what's on the highways - uh. She's partially named after a college friend Tara S, with whom I've lost touch but would love to hear from again.

You may be asking "Why a girl?" at this point and there's a good reason.


All my adult life, I've played female characters in my video games when at all possible. For instance, in Dungeon Siege II that we just completed, I was Daria. That's my common character name. Incidentally, I also had a pet scorpion in that game named Pokey. Another original one, I know.

So, I always play the girl. If I have to play a male character, it's always Darius, or Alfradden-Lyr. That last name I inherited when I started playing him in AD&D during high school. I am really quite fond of it, but I don't use it often any more.

When I was playing RuneScape, as you can see, I played a girl and was thought to be one in real life by many of the people I played with. It's fun being something you're not. I make a good girl. I can flirt! Hahaha!


Anonymous said...

check it out.

Emmakirst said...

Hehe, cool, I tend to use girls too. I find they have more control to them as characters. Does that say something for women???