According to this web site:
Now is that amazing or what? If we could just solve the waste problem...while greenhouse gases from coal power plants are detrimental, at least they aren't radioactive. Nuclear power opens up a whole set of problems that have to be addressed. What will we do??? Who knows.The fundamental point about nuclear energy is that the energy content of 1 gram of Uranium is equivalent to approximately 3 tons of coal.
P.S. Here's something. I don't think everyone knows what a gram is. Ever held one of these?

Now you know what a gram is! Want to burn 6000 pounds of coal, or blow up a paperclip? Hmmm.
That fact is that a person living next to a coal plant is exposed to more radiation than the person who lives next to a nuclear power plant. Nuclear power is the best option because it creates a only a small amount of solid waste that we know how to handle. It doesn't interfere with the environment nearly so much as hydroelectric and it is far more practical than the windmill farms that may have their own unforeseen impacts. Finally, it is possible today, and is not the eternal carrot-on-a-stick that our government offers us in the form of hydrogen fuel cells and biofuels.
Perhaps one day when the country and the world enter a depression and state of worldwide calamity over ever-disappearing fossil fuels, we will think of what could have been avoided and how. It will all seem crystal clear, and we may even learn that oil companies generated much of the bad press about nuclear power. It may take ten years to develop a new power infrastructure independent of fossil fuels, and it may take ten years for our government to recognize impending doom as more people in China and India demand their share of the world's fuel. So in twenty years, what will happen if even twenty percent of people cannot drive to work or electricity is rationed out to homes and businesses? Think 1970's energy crisis multiplied who knows how many times. The world needs nuclear power pronto.
We know how to handle nuclear waste? Using caskets that sit on concrete slabs is not handling the waste. There is no sollution to handle high level waste for the 250000 years it takes to become safe.
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