Today's Little Gym was an OK one, not excellent. He participated in the first part of the class, but kept coming out into the lobby after the halfway point. He wouldn't go back in and cried and cried because he had to sit on my lap while in the lobby. You see, the rule is that if he isn't in the gym playing, he has to sit on my lap rather that do whatever he wants to in the lobby. I don't pay all that dang money so he can play in the lobby after all. :)
Anyway, Jen went in and sat by the wall to keep him in there (bless her!) and he'd run over and high-10 her every few minutes. He was really an approval-seeker today. Here are a few pictures. I have to start taking my real camera...

He rarely stays sitting at the "Watching Wall." As you can see, he's rebelling here while all the other kids (well most) are sitting.
We'll just have to keep trying and keep working on him!
He's too cute. I love "watching" him grow up. I've been following jens' site for quite some time and have read through since before he was ever conceived and still read! I can't get over how soon the new baby will be here. Time sure does fly.
He'll socialize more, give him time. I bet once the new baby comes you'll see a difference.
Hi guys!
I was doing a random Google search and found this. :D
How's Brendan?
"miss gillian"
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