Uncle Bubba's Garage, Chattanooga, TX , 71255

"And then we'll lift the other one with..."

And Tony said, "Who needs one of those bucket trucks?"

This guy actually did live longer because he freakin RAN away before his boss saw what he did.

That's really the guy's ghost. He didn't think it was a dangerous area.

"Umm, naw, naw, I just heard that they just proved that it's good for ya to use a drill barefoot on a ladder in a pool. Yeah, yeah, that's it." (this is the guy NOT on the ladder speaking)

"Wow there's Tony again!"
*Tony is my brother, whose birthday it is today. Happy Birthday!
** Okay, so my comments suck. Live with it. :p
Those are some of the finest pictures I have ever seen. I thought your comments were quite good. I was eating cereal while looking at the pics and almost spit out my milk.
The "guy's ghost" comment is especially hilarious.
Why thank you! I can always count on you, mate!
What kind of cereal do you like?
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