Nata's Corner: Sober-iety is a wonderful thing

I have a dream... in which the guys who write viruses that cause my inbox to get filled up with garbage are ... never mind. I really do try to be a lady most of the time.
But this latest strain of the Sober worm has done pretty much what it was expected to do -- make me dread clicking on the icon that opens my email. It's not that I'm really THAT worried, because most of my email goes through at least three levels of protection (one at EE, one at my ISP, and one at my computer). But the problem is just the sheer volume of it all.
The Moderators have it much worse, from what I gather. Someone out there has the Mods' group address at EE in their address book, and they're getting hundreds of spam emails every day. Maybe it will finally get bad enough that someone will invent a program that automatically floods an IP address with email if the person behinds it sends out spam; it would certainly make me sit up and take notice if I got a million emails saying "Clean the virus off your computer, you idiot!!"
Oh, and lest you think this latest strain of Sober is just another passing fancy, Symantec says that the worm will try to download a file on January 5, 2006, if your computer isn't protected. I used to have a hard time believing anyone would surf the Internet or get email without being protected, but the last couple of weeks have shattered that illusion. C'mon, people.
She's so right...we're getting a freakin ton of these blocked at work. -Dgh
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