July 20, 2007

Shrek Song

Bren calls Smashmouth's All-Star "Shrek Song". He sings it all the time now. He makes up lots of the words, but he has the tune down!

It's very cute.

[Update]: We may be banned from further listening to this song. I just played it and Bren loves it so much that he thrashes and headbangs while it plays. I was sitting on the floor participating when he ran full speed toward me from 5 feet away. I turned my head away since he scared me so badly and he rammed his face into the side of my head. I heard a sickening crunch and would have sworn that his nose was broken. I screamed "Help, Jen" (yeah, I'm a baby) and we found that he had almost knocked out his upper right front tooth on my head. It was bleeding and loose, but it didn't come out, thankfully. Brendan was in shock it seemed for about 30 minutes. He wouldn't talk and was just sprawled on the floor alternately crying and quivering. It really tore me up, but Jen as always was the voice of reason and looked up "tooth injury" online. He's OK now, but I sure don't feel like playing that song very much anymore...

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