January 16, 2007

Freeze San Antonio!

It's freezing here! Literally. Ice and sleet are pelting the south Texas area in a barrage that would make Minnesotans put on their short sleeves. But seriously folks, it's a bit chilly out.

I took this picture of icicles on our picnic table around noon.

(click to zoom)

I saw some kid in a red car zoom up to our speedbump and put on the brakes to skid the last two feet. What a dummy.

We have gone outside a little, but roads are closed and things, so we'll be staying put for a while. Oh yeah, my work and the first day of classes got cancelled - Yahoo!!!!

1 comment:

Margo said...

It's in the mid thirties here, but last week it was in the seventies. You never know what you're gonna get...like a box of chocolates. ;-)