September 1, 2007

PicADay Week

I got this idea from the Jumping Monkeys podcast #12 and from Chookooloonks. For the next week (starting tomorrow), both Jen and I are going to do a picture a day with some kind of blog post or commentary on the picture. I don't have the stick-to-it-ive-ness of Karen Chookooloonks, so we're just trying it out for a week.

If any of you few readers want to do the same, just leave a comment so we can go look at yours too. I'm thinking of you, FO; you can do it. ^_^ How about a hospital picture to start?

Speaking of which, last weekend Jen and I and boys had a marvelous visit with Mr and Mrs FO, and baby bean FOlina who I look forward to meeting in January. We played Monkeys on the moon and Carcassonne. We love Carcassonne so much, we're planning to buy it. And by the way, isn't this just a monkey themed post? Hehe.

I have been enjoying Jumping Monkeys the podcast quite a bit lately. I particularly liked the one with Cat Schwartz, the hitechmommy, who I've been a fan of for a long time. It's a great podcast, like all Leo's are. I LOLd while driving at something Leo said in JM #12: He called Boston Proper "Slutty Clothes" - he was right. :)

Well, get ready for the first picture tomorrow. A hint: It'll kill ya! Har har har har!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time too. Your kids are growing so fast.