In there is this article about the Left Behind franchise. As you can see from the article (click for larger), apparently everyone in the world has heard of Left Behind ...

...except for yours truly. So, I've taken down my "Home Sweet Home" plaque and replaced it with one that say "Home Sweet Satanic Rock." :p
How pompous of them to imply that I'm out of the loop!!!
I would power up with the Christ-cannon that shoots crosses bearing replicas of the Savior. I would especially shoot the Jews. Oh, and the Muslims too. And the Hindus. And you, you devil-worsipper. Pow pow! Take that! Can the Catholic priests join forces with Buddhist monks to fight the righteous Protestants if you play the evil side?
Please erase the first entry. It was published to spite me for my heathenism.
Dup1icate 3rased.
Hahahahaha. I almost want to play this game just to see how bad it must be. Would it be wrong to get a hacked copy of it off the net? Oh yes, I think it would! Wrong on so many levels.
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