I'm up early as is my usual ritual on Sundays. I didn't want to get up, but I woke up with a lot of congestion and a runny nose (like anyone wanted to know that.) Being half awake with a runny nose is damn annoying. It's like a fly buzzing around you in an otherwise quiet room - you just have to solve it. So, I got up and solved it and then went back to bed for 30 minutes but couldn't go back to sleep. So, I got up. It was so cold in the back of the house that I turned on the heat but stayed in the front watching Charles Osgood for about 20 minutes while it warmed up. He had Barry Manilow on. Did you know that he wrote the Band-Aid jingle? "...stuck on me" Weirdness.
I'm listening to XRM radio again. I checked out a CD from the library by a band called Atomic Kitten and I was listening to that, but they were just too soft and sleepy for me. Despite Jen's pestering me, it was the name that attracted my attention rather than the 3 good looking girls on the cover. I swear!

I also picked up a Jewel CD which I only listened to a little bit last night. I have come to the point of just picking random shit at the library these days. It's kind of like being the rat in the skinner box. Pick a good CD, get some enjoyment; Pick a bad one, waste time. I've gone through all of the CDs that they have that I really wanted to listen to, but once in a while I get something that I really like. For instance, I just returned U2's hits from 1990-2000. That was an awesome CD and I just picked it at random. I wish that my library had a bigger selection. It's good, don't get me wrong, but if I won the lottery, I'd but them a lot of new CDs.
Ooh, Evanescence (Bring me to life) is just playing. Love that song.
I just saw that U2 has a 1980-90 CD too and I'm going to have to request that one from the library.
I have lately been looking all over for episodes of an old TV show called Voyagers from when I was a kid. I loved it when I was in first grade (I think).
Introduction: "We travel through time to help history along. Give it a push when it's needed. When the Omni's Red it means history's wrong. Our job is to get everything back on track. Green light kid, We did it!"
I've been looking for months and can't find that show. Too old I guess.
Right now, I'm pretty interested in MAKE magazine. I haven't read an issue, but I've listened to some stuff about them on the net and it sounds cool. They are having a convention of sorts that I'd just flip to go to. Maker Faire. The Mythbusters, Jamie and Adam are going to be there. (Hey, I didn't know they had a fan club!)
Brendan has been particularly cute lately. We both got haircuts yesterday and it really did a lot for him. Jen says that my improvement post-shag-removal is as marked as his. Thanks wife!
We visited Dobie for about 4 hours yesterday. He thinks that he is going to be able to settle his years-long court case this week. I hope he does. It'll do him good. If he gets a good settlement, I think that it will make his life a lot easier. I hope he travels and gets himself healthy, not necessarily in that order. hehe.
Well, I think I've rambled for long enough. I didn't have a hell of a lot to say to start with. :) Jen and Bren are going to visit my folks this upcoming Friday. They're going via Amtrak, which will be good. Brendan is super into trains right now and I think that he will be amazed (or terrified) to ride one. I don't know if he'll link Thomas the Tank Engine and a big silver Amtrak, but I hope so. That's all for now. Tata!
Reading today:
Sorry about that delete... The link I posted didn't work... Let me try again...
Have you tried looking here?
It's suppose to be a link to www.tv.com (just in case it doesn't work again) Voyagers.
I don't know how old you are, but looking at that site, it looks like the show was in/around 1982...
Good luck finding it, yah. There was one show in the '70s staring Roddy McDowel (?) that was kinda a family of kids w/ McDowell who traveled through time, or something. lol!
I was young. I don't quite recall but I do remember that all of us kids loved watching it. We all said that must be why it didn't last that long. {sigh} lol
I clicked on that Atomic Kitten link by the way (just cuz thy're hot! Doh!) and I must concurr: lame-a$$ Beyonceesque tripe.
Happy Darwin Day Darrell!
Thanks for the comments. I have looked at the Tv.com page, and it is good. Wish I could find an episode to watch though. It's the show that everybody forgot, apparently. It's funny, but I draw a parallel between that show and Firefly. I'm watching that right now and it is awesome. At least Firefly is on DVD! :)
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