Bessie and Clara Bell - Moo! Moo!
Well, there no such thing in the game, but the proof is in the pudding. I was running around in the game, and really, I was almost to the point of saying "I can't find anything fun to do." which is sad since there's so much to do in the game. Well, I went to a new town in the eastern desert and didn't find much of interest. It was quiet but at least it was new. I explored the place and surrounding area, but couldn't go more south as it was a members only area. So, I swung back thru town on my way back to the verdant west. I happened to pass by the bank and it was pretty busy with people buying things and selling things. That's what happens at banks since everyone goes the for sure. Yellow text, Cyan, Wavy, Flashing: you name it. It's was almost overwhelming. It was overwhelming! The computer slowed down because there was so much activity on the screen. While I was there, I just happened to see someone buying cowhides for 100 gold each. Holy Moly!!! (I should say Holy Cow!) Cowhides are the easiest thing to get next to chicken meat!!! So I asked him how many he needed. He said as many as I could get! Woo Hoo! The cow field was close and I knew what was necessary to get hides. Cow Luv! Oh, no, no that's not right! Actually cow fighting. So, I put on my matador hat and hauled butt to the cow field. I made two trips with 27 each from cows I had fought and theeeennnnnn, I got smart! OMG!!! I took all the money I had in the bank (4000 at the time) and I started buying hides from others in the field, as well as picking up the occasionally freebie that no one picked up after doing the deed on the cow. So, I went all around the cow field yelling "Paying 50 for hides! Fast Cash!" AND THEY LOVED IT!!!!! People were flocking to me to sell the previously worthless hides. At least I thought they were worthless. At Level 5 (I'm 24 now) I would have busted a freakin capillary trying to sell em at that price. SOOOO, I ran back and forth and back and forth buying hides at 50 and banking them. I had two regulars getting me hides and meeting me closer and closer to the bank to sell each time. I couldn't just tell them to come to the bank or else they might see that I was the middleman and everybody knows that the middleman's only function is to be cut out. So, buying at 50, selling at 100. I did that for probably about 175 hides. So, let's do the math here: 175 hides * 50 gold each + (20 toll at the toll gate per round trip * 6ish roundtrips) = 8870 spent. Round that to 9000 spent in "acquisitions". I'm selling em to my "fence*" for 100 gold each, so 175 hides at 100 gold = 17,500 gold. I have that and more in my bank now.
*This is not illegal or against game rules, just shrewd business on my part, thank you very much.
Fence is a term that I think is funny and in no way indicates law-breaking, impropriety, or other
nefarious or otherwise unlawful action. :p
Fence also wanted all his hides tanned, so to speak, so he's giving me 500 plus 100 hides per time and I'm going to the tanner and paying him 1 per hide to tan them. Then I get to keep the remaining 400 gold as pay. What a deal. Fence says he has 3000 to tan. Both he and I (and I would assume others) are working to gather and tan. I had to get off the game at 6:30 this morning because I was so tired. It's been years since I stayed up all night playing a game. My rear and shoulders are reminding me today that I really shouldn't be doing that...
I just went on for a sec and noticed one of my big suppliers was on so I msg'd him and said that if he could get me 250 by tonite, I'd buy them all and give him a 1000 gold bonus. He was only too happy to do it! If he's smart, he'll find someone to buy them from at 25 or even 40. It just depends on whether he has money to invest. He might just get em all himself. Who knows? Who cares?
The thing about all this is that I think I could make a successful business in real life if I just had startup money. I mean this is the way the world works - buy low and sell high! Everybody knows it. So, if I could just get some seed money, I wouldn't have time to play RuneScape any more because I'd be so busy making real money. Oh, I can just imagine. Real world has lots of other complications though, so I think I'll stick to RuneScape for now. Hey, there's no health insurance for my employer to pay in RS. Oooops, correction, he's not my employer - I'm an independent contractor doing business as BLSH Cowhides. :) ROTFL at myself. [goes to sleep] [*snore*] [says in sleep "buy low, sell high]
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