June 29, 2005


A lady today says to me "Hey Darrell, is that a Fu Man Chu or a Van Dyke?" HUH?!?!?!

Since Memorial Day I've been sportin' a goatee (not that kind of sportin' les) and it's a lot of fun.

I don't know what either a Fu Man Chu or a Van Dyke is, however. I dind't even know goatees had names!!!!!!!!

Runescape update: 45,472 gold in the bank. Cow trading is beginning to take it's toll. This is becoming work. I can't type fast enough! Hv strtd to abbrviate evryting in game. I sk. :(
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. But I love the thrill of making a big sale!!!! Sold 310 to one guy tonight. My fence must have been picked up by the white knights (aka the police in RS) cuz he's nowhere to be seen since that night...oh well!

[zombie] Muuuuuuuuuuust sleep!

(intentianally didn't close ZOMBIE tag...zombieness doesn't end these days. I'm going to have to have an intervention soon. Hahahahahahahaha.) [falls out of chair asleep]

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