May 31, 2010
Bren's thoughts
wonder what Oxo she's going to be?"
That's my boy!
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May 30, 2010
May 29, 2010
Just had a fairly succesfful breastfeeding with the silicone nipple
shield. And she's in her second outfit - pink with milticcolor flowers.
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Oops, yesterday
1 more day of antibiotics. She didn't have a crp test.
To go home, she has to have all feeds from bot or brst for 48 hours.
She's is her first outfit - rainbow heart dress
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Off the nasal canula
70cc feeds every 4 hours
Moved last night to the IMC (smaller, older version of the NICU)
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May 28, 2010
breatfeeding. Me mom and boys ran around town today. It was fun.
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shopping in Huebner Oaks. Bought the boys Final Fantasy Chocobo's
Dungeon and now we're in Pier 1.
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May 27, 2010
Lost an ounce. She's moving to bed 55, where she was a couple days ago.
She was a little peanut, but she's lost so much weight, now she's just
a pea -she lost a whole nut!
They're debating whether she is done with her antibiotics or not...
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NICU cost
The Thursday update
55 ccs per feed
98.2 temp
Her leads are all goofed up today. The heart and breathing ones show
nothing...but she looks alive and well!
She's down to a 4 litre flow on her air, so that's good...we're giving
her about half a cc by mouth at nurse Lisa's suggestion. She wants her
to get a taste for milk. Smart.
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My friend Amy: Darrell, be honest. Did you name your daughter after a Firefly character? :)
Me: Wow. I am truly truly impressed. You pegged it. Cheers to you!
Amy: A character well worth naming after! I hope our future spaceship mechanic is getting stronger each day!
My friend Stuart (in Aussie accent): Congrats. OMG she is a Borg you will be assimilated by her Cuteness.
"Kayley is an uncommon first name for women and an equally uncommon last name for both men and women." - from some random baby name website.
"Kaylee is a very common first name for women (#1800 out of 4276)" - same site.
Meaning: Possibly Gaelic, "slender"
May 26, 2010
More info
And she just drank 55ccs. Wow again!
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Nightly update
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That's an indicator of vascular inflamtion, but wouldn't catch lung
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Pic du jour
pressure (almost same as cpap, but more weanable, the nurse says)
May 25, 2010
Evening update
No change that I can see, except it looks like her CPap machine is down to 21%. that's cool. Pressure is down to 4 now.
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hiccups and she had a little smile today. Sooooo cute.
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May 25 Update
May 24, 2010
Jen also just finished a pumping and got 42oz. Pretty impressive.
K has Jessica to watch over her tonite; we like her.
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souper salad and met Christopher and co and ate. Now I'm in the lobby
of the hospital waiting with the boys while jen and mom visit Kayley.
Then mom will come out and I'll go in...
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cinnamon rolls.
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so I just paid my $200.
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moved into the isolation room that she was in. Thyre closing the NICU
at 1130 (in 20 min) to do a heart surgery on another baby, so we have
to go.
So Stacy the respiratory therpist is working on here cpap nose mask
now. She took the surf ok, and hopefully it will help her. There is a
risk that the cpap will reopen the pneumothorax holes, but since her
lungs were closing up it is a risk we have to take.
Jen yelled at her mother on the phone today. Jens granparents have
been pressuring jens mom to go visit them and jen is mad because Di is
here to help us. It'll all work out, I'm sure.
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Boo hoo
overnight. She is getting another dose of surfactant right now and
will go back on the cpap machine after that. I'm really torn up
because I passed my threshold of thinking she was really doing well.
That was stupid and I usually don't let myself go that way. But she
looked so good last night and was so interactive....
Damn damn damn, why does everything have to happen at once?!?! Dr
Gallagher just came in while jen was in the shower and I cried out the
whole story to her. I'm so embarrassed. :S
Therese NICU nurse just called and said that the surf is done and
she's back on the nasal cpap. And that we could come down to see
Kayley at any time.
God, I'm ready for some breakfast
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May 23, 2010
Jessica just turned down the lights and told Kayley "Rest and digest."
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Andy comment
hugged her, and said "Oh my sweet mommy!!!" He really misses mom.
K just got weighed. 2980 grams tonite, or 6lb 9oz.
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Xray machine
pushes buttons a follows the machine around. Truly a fabtastic machine
and a very nice guy to operate it. (poor photography by me)
Neonatolagist things she might have more air outside her lungs. The
xray will show that and if it looks bad they'll put a needle or tube
in her chest wall near her armpit to draw off the air. Sounds scary,
but the neo didn't sound like it was such a big deal.
Our nurse tonite for K is Jessica, and Jen's is Susan, who she really
K is sooooo alert tonite. I got videos of her with her eyes open and
pictures, which I'll post.
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This is what made them think she has an infection - normal levels are
3.5 or less.
She had a 20 cc feed just a few minutes ago and it went down great...
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lose up to 10% of birthweight and still be normal (11.3oz would be 10%)
Her Feeds will go to 20 cc today.
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Air leak
a small tear in the left, but the xray want extremely clear. Melissa
They are about to draw blood for the blood gas test.
Grandparents will come by sometime today and see her since dad is
going back home tomorrow morning.
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Maybe worse
oxygen. The one good thing is that her head harness is off. She was
moaning and she had pulled out her tummy tube, and now she just spit
up quite a bit. Melinda nurse says the doctor is going to show us the
chest xray soon and talk about why she's back on oxygen...
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I'm running out of subject lines
best pump so far to Kitty K- 4.5 ccs!
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Nurse Ginny
that they're giving her only the meds that she wants. That's cool. She
either doesn't listen well or is hard of hearing, but she's generally
Also, a cool cool thing that hadn't happened before was that every
nurse carries a portable phone with an extension. We just call
directly to their "hip". Great technology!
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Good morning
she could have woken me to help her. Silly gir spilled a whole cup of
water on the floor and cleaned it up herself. She also passed the 3cc
mark pumping, which is great. 3 & 2/10 total.
I sort of figured out sleeping on this goofo bed. I stuffed a pillow
down in the hole where the head pad should be (I didn't put it down
since it made the bed a bad angle) and then put my real pillow on top
of that.
Dr Satterfield from Jens OB practice just showed up and said "Hows
tour pain?" to which i could have though of all minds of amusing
responses. Hehe. She said I should call the office and talk to Dr
Gallaghers nurse about my FMLA certification. Jen has some pain and
finally some bleeding.
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What we've learned
if we're having a hard time with our term baby". I have to agree. This
is tough going back and forth & up and down. I've started to recognize
some other dads in the hallway and say hi. I just waggle my fingers at
the nurse as I walk toward the NICU doors now and she opens them. Hehe.
Oh man, I somehow list my debit card tonite and security brought it to
me. Thank god for them.
One funny thing was today I got in the elevator with a spanish
speaking man and woman and he punched three then asked me "Tres?" and
I said " dos por favor". I guess my accent was good bc he smiled and
said "you speak Spanish good!" I smiled and said "just a little" and
he said "poquito". I was pleased to get the compliment. We are going
to sleep now.
Oh I can't remember if I said that we don't have to have gloves and
gowns in Ks room anymore. Yay!!!
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May 22, 2010
already? Nom nom nom.
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NICU staff
She has this cute snaggletooth thing going on and she wears a
ponytail. She's from Lubbock and she's very patient and informative. I
like these nurses that volunteer info and tell you lots of things.
She's been chatting with jen for like 15 minutes already and I think
that's therapeutic for jen. The other good thing is that she's funny
and it is really good for jen.
We also have Michelle who is friendly and talkative. She had one son
csection she said. They're all nice.
Funny how I keep forgetting I can sideways thumb type...hehe.
Another nurse was Jenny. I think she was nice, she was the first one
we had with her in NICU.
When she was first born, we had Mona and Mildred as our transition
nurses. They were great and I think that Mona was a supervisor of some
Okay jen is ready to go and Molly is laughing at me for being on my
phone, so, tata...
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blood gasses and we're just waiting and watching for improvements.
while. She's all nice and calm.
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a week or so. Jen took that pretty hard, but after an hour or so she
calmed down.
I finally got out of here for a while and went to HEB for drinks and
snacks and tissues and Sudafed. It did me a world of good being out
for a while. Nfortunately the parking attendant charged me 7 bucks to
get out after 1day 3h 17min. Next time, I'm "losing" my ticket- only a
$5 fee.
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Breakfast time
When she opened it, it was 1 slice French toast and two pieces of
bacon so thin that they only had one side. Really! When she turned it
over it was imvisible!
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I just met the NICU chaplain, James, and he said a prayer over her for
her good health. It was nice.
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May 21, 2010
Long day
I had fried fish, macaroni n cheese, salad, clam chowder and fruit
yogurt for dinnr. Jen had the same stuff as lunch, but Somehow later
talked her nurse into bringing fruit loops and apple jacks for her,
which she scarfed down. Haha.
My parents, two boys, jens mom and aunt Cathy all came to see us
tonite at the hospital. The three grandparents each got to go see
Kayley one at a time with me and I took pics of each.
I was so tired, I showered here in theroom but neglected to see if
there was a towel first. There wasn't. I used a sheet. Hehe.
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and should be able get up and walk in a few minutes.
I had a lovely slice of mushroom pizza and a blondie for lunch. Jen
had broth and gave me her jello and didn't eat her Popsicle cup. She
fed me the tea too. I'm really coming out a winner on this deal.
As soon as Jen can walk around we are going down to see the baby, who
is in the NICU on the first floor.
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and we 're checking her into the NICU. no worries though.
Baby Stats
We are in the NICU because she needed a little Oxygen. I just spoke
with Dr Gulde and he is turning her over to the neonatologist for
continued care bc he's gonna be outta town.
I really enjoy talking with Mona our transition nurse and Mildred from
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man that was intense" I think they're ok tho. It's quiet again. Wonder
why Dr Gallagher is so late?
She just got here so, it's time to go into our surgery, which I expect
will be a breeze (please). Post again after we have a baby.
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easy on her. Haha. I'm in the little "daddy waiting area." Im sleepy.
Maybe I can take a nap here.
Wow! Busy in here all of a sudden. A laboring mom with a prolapsed
cord is going in for an emergency csection. Poor dear she's crying.
Oh. :( Hope she'll be ok.
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Somebody could eat off me." My answer: "Someone will be in about an
hour n a half!"
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monitor and it is 146.
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sooooo much nicer than it was 3 years ago.
by and gave me the birth certificate form. 1 thing down. She said slip
it under her office door tonite.
Text from my good friend Les: I DO wish you both luck. Will be on road
to port aransas later. Let me know. We're both excited!
To which I answered: Try Port A Pizzeria.
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At the hospital
her back to L and D recovery to prep her for surgery. I got shooshed
away and told to come back in exactly 30 minutes. So I'm sitting at
the newborn nursery. 4 girls, 1 boy in the newborn nursery. It's a
good day to have a girl, I guess.
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May 18, 2010
Cheap Nuggets
Last Dr Appointment
May 17, 2010
May 16, 2010
All About Today
Today I re-did my blogger template too and changed the name of my blog. It was "I'm just a guy at a house" which was fun and neat, but now I've changed it to "My Family: 1 + 1 + 3".
So there.
May 15, 2010
The Baby
Anyway, I'm so excited about our little girl's arrival. It was scheduled for 12:30 on Monday May 24th and then the c-section got moved back to Friday May 21st. I was all planning on having the weekend to psych up to it too. Oh well. So, I'm stressing out so badly about my work, and trying to get things done... I'm gradually working toward the "I don't give a damn if it gets done" state though. When I get stressed for too long, I get apathetic and I'm almost there. I feel like there's no way to success, so why even try. One good thing is that my bosses are going to get some sort of consultant to help finish the project this upcoming week. I don't know if it will help - I'm off Tuesday afternoon for our last OB appt. Hopefully something will work out. The stupid Network Load Balancing just isn't working or more likely neither me nor Julian knows how to correctly configure it. Hehe.
I just hope that things work out. I want to get us moved to the new version of Exchange, but I'm pretty overwhelmed at this point. Hopefully the arrival of little chicky will put all that behind me.
I'm planning to read some manga, watch some Castle, Dr Who, Charmed, play some games and clean the garage while I'm off.
Tick Tock...
Long Day
May 14, 2010
Dr Who
Well, that was weird. But funny, sort of. And the girl is cute.
May 9, 2010
Grace SweetPeace
Baby girl is only 2 weeks away now.
May 2, 2010
Network Load Balancing
I found this article which indicates that the NLB clustering won't work if both Network adapters have the same GUID -which of course they do since they are both clones of our base image VM.
If the second host is still listed in the cluster, but unreachable, I'd remove it before doing the fix.
Check that by using regedit to drill down to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > WindowsNT > CurrentVersion > NetworkCards > (number)..
I only had one number under NetworkCards, number 7. I clicked on that and looked on the right-hand side. The Description lists the name of the Interface that you see in Network Connections (which you should rename if you have more than one adapter) and the ServiceName which lists the corresponding GUID.
This article tells you how to resolve this by making the GUID change. There are two solutions; I chose the second and here are the steps for that second solution:
* On either VM enter “Device Manager”
* Expand “Network Adapters” and right mouse click on the Network adapter that you are trying to add to the NLB configuration.
* Select ‘Uninstall’. NIC has now been uninstalled.
* Next you want to re-add the network card which in turn will create a new GUID for it. Do this by right mouse clicking your servers name at the top of the ‘Device Manager’ list and select ‘Scan for hardware changes’. This will now re-detect the NIC and give it a new GUID.
* Now exit out of “Device Manager”
* Re-configure the NIC
And there you have it. I spent days trying to figure this out.