I always eat something like this Lean Cuisine for lunch at work. I usually have chips of some sort (my favorite are the Gardetto's Mustard Pretzels*) and maybe some carrots, plus an apple (Pink Lady or Fuji, please. NO red delicious - I don't like them) for dessert. This is a particularly good one Lean Cuisine, that didn't have any detectable onions (yyyyeeeeeeech!) in it. Ingredient list said it had some, but I didn't notice them so they're as good as not there.
*If anyone from Gardetto's happens to read this, I'd really like to know why none of the grocery stores here sell the mustard pretzel mix any more. I have to buy them at gas stations for twice as much as they're worth, where I used to be able to get them at HEB. Help me out here, please!
mustard pretzels? that sounds interesting.. lol I probably would not like them.. I have to try the lean cuisine though, that might be nice!!
I remember your hatred of onions. I hate them too, but not as much as I used to. I would eat them on pizza now, but still not heaped on a hamburger. I also used to hate bell peppers and cucumbers, but I like them now. Today I learned that I don't hate buttermilk. I was loathe to taste it, but I was forced to. It is delicious. Go figure.
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