March 27, 2007

What's up

I'm playing Diablo II again, but now I have the Expansion pack that we never bought. J and I played the main game when it first came out, but never bothered with the expansion. We had it the first weekend, I think. We actually purchased two copies so we could co-op it. It was awesome.

Bren is playing Playhouse Disney/PreschoolTime online again. He love love loves it.

Andy is swinging.

Jen is napping after a challenging day.

I'm drinking a beloved Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper. I can't get enough of the stuff.

We've been advertising mom's online store on Google Ads. It's cool. We've gotten about 40 clicks, but no sales from there yet. We'll keep plugging away at it...we also use, which rocks. It is so great to see exactly who is coming and looking at the site.

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