April 22, 2006

Busy busy busy

I just noticed that I haven't posted in forever, so I thought I would put a brief update on my activities.

I've been trying to get new glasses for a while now. The eye doctor says they are finally here, and I'm going to get them in a few minutes. Bren and I were "wrasslin" and my old ones broke. For a couple weeks I've been doing the nerd thing and wearing them taped together. How embarrassing!

Today is a Bren and Dad day. Jen is going baby stuff shopping with her Aunt and Grandmother.

I have been this morning preparing myself for something hard: I'm selling all my member items in RuneScape because we're stopping our memberships. We haven't played it in 3 or 4 months, so the time has come to stop paying for it. Organizing all my stuff made me feel like I was going to have a garage sale, and I hate doing that. I HATE getting rid or any of my "treasures." Doing that reminded me of my last birthday when Jen and AA gave me loads of good items. That was great. I love you guys. :~]

Been playing Ninja Gaiden Black on Xbox. It's not exactly my fave type of game. You can only save very rarely, so I do a lot of stuff then get killed and have to do it again. Argh! I did win a copy of Halo 2 the other day at a seminar!!! Yay for me! I already have it of course, so I'm going to trade that and my Half Life 2 (which I finished) in for some credit at BlockBuster.

Been watching a lot of Medium lately, which we really enjoy.

Bren has been being the Devil - disobedient, obstinate, etc. Finally, we took all entertainments out of his room one evening and when he was bad, sent him in there. It was hell on us, but somewhat effective. We've also decided that spanking his little butt is causing more trouble that it is helping to discipline him, so we've more or less stopped that. People on the outside can easily pass judgment on how parents discipline, but now that I've lived through it, I say to them and to my self-of-4-years-ago: "F*** off and mind your own business. I'll ask for advice if I want it." It is really not at all as easy as people might think to keep your kids in line. They have their own minds and will do anything they can to get attention, either positive or negative, at this stage. I don't think they understand that there is a difference between getting positive or negative attention until the discipline comes...

That's it for now. Gotta get ready for the jaunt over to the eye doc's.

P.S. Pregnancy #2 going well. Boy is kicking and being very active. Only a few more months to "B-day."

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