I'm trying once again to finally write about this topic from a while back...
1) Had Brendan's 3rd Birthday party.
2) Found out sex of next little H family member.
So, even though Brendan's real third birthday was on the 20th of March, we had a good little party for him on the 18th. Mimi & Boppa came, as did Aunt

Bitsy and Jen's Grandparents (MaeMae and Bobo). [Isn't it weird how ever member of the family seems to have a nickname?] Also here were Paul F and his boys, Mary and Leonard K, and Dobie. We had chips and queso, made by me (the queso, not the chips - I'm not that good) plus 7 layer dip, taquitos, and fruit. Yum! Brendan was pretty shy, but about 1/2 way thru the party he actually warmed up to people and came out of hiding. For the longest time he was hiding behind the food table and nicking goodies. He pinched some frosting off the cupcakes, the little rascal. We had a good time, and we think he did too, in the end.

The second topic that I have to write about is that we've found out the new little member of the H family is going to be a boy. He's due August 17th, 06, and we're trying to get ready for his arrival. We've painted the nursery and are in the process of putting up the wall border. Jen chose the Baby Aviator theme from Baby Depot this time and it is nice.
We were really, really hoping for a girl this time, but I guess we'll have to wait for #3 for that. We're not really sad it is a boy, but we are kind of bummed that it isn't a girl. There's a difference! The ultrasound was cool Brendan was all lovely in there. He kissed Jen and hugged her and was very interested in the screen. He just walked up to the computer right now and said "Look that's a baby." What a smart little guy. So, he was good and interested while we were there. his only problem is that he keeps crashing into Jen and jumping on her and generally doing things that make us have to get after him to "not hurt the baby!" Argh! Little stinker! :)
Here are my phone pictures from the day:

Brendan being lovey

Watching for a "sign"

About to find out the sex. A bit tense at this point.
Well, having finally completed my entry, maybe I can go read
Jen's and her
other one! Whew!