We just got back from Goblet of Fire. It was fantastic! It was two and a half hours, but it flew by! The interesting thing about this adaptation was that, despite the length of the movie, it felt like a
really fast overview of the book. Jen said it best with "If it wasn't part of the core story, it wasn't in this movie". There was no S.P.E.W., no house elves, none of the actual game at the Quiddich World Cup (though a bit of lead-up and follow-up), and very little character development. I guess that they assume you know all the characters by this time, but I could have done with a

little more of the pensive, thought-involved Harry. Hermione's primary role in this movie was to look radiantly beautiful (and let me tell you she did!) in her evening gown for the Yule Ball. Ron's job, as always was comedy relief (see the pic of him in his formal), though this time is was mixed with teen "I'm-totally-pissed-off-edness" which kind of detracted from the character. However, his part was true to the book, and in fact toned down quite a bit. In the book, he was mad at Harry pretty much all the way

thru, and in the movie, he warmed up earlier...
It was a very good movie and it was fairly true to the main plot of the book. I am always thankful for that. I would have loved an even longer version with more lead-in, but I don't think that a mainstream audience would have sat through the 4 hour "Darrell version". Maybe someday, on a DVD or whatever is next, you'll be able to see the Theatrical Cut, the Director's Cut, and the Extended Version of movies at your choice. That'll be cool!
I say, see the movie, and then immediately read the book for the whole story!
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