Talk about a
rarity! The house is silent, but for the flyovers of jets to the
airbase or whatever you want to call it these days. The roomies and their screaming, whining, yelling little darling are gone to work and sitter. Jen and Bren are asleep, as is my mum, who came down on a whim (pretty good since it's a 6+ hour drive). I have the house to myself and I'm surfing and doing things that I want to do. It's great. Nya, nya, Jen, I have like 12 windows open! Hahahaha. It's cloudy/windy but not too cold. I'm sitting inside and watching birds in the garden and admiring the tomato plants that are growing and getting closer by the day to giving me luscious, free, red tomatoes. Yum!
Yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary already. Time flies, as I keep saying. It was a good day. I got some things taken care of at work, had a great last anime club meeting of the semester (Thanks James and Michelle for being the best co-presidents around) , and then sped home. Time to go out and celebrate! We went to the
Cheesecake Factory and picked up a couple slices for later before going to eat at the place where we got married:
Alamo Cafe on 281. (Oooh, look, it's the
room (
tour) where we had our reception. We actually got married in the courtyard outside the doors at the far right of the pic!) As many times as I/we've eaten there, I still love it. Good food, good service, good everything. As usual, I got the Chile Relleno with Chix fajita and a side of good ole
Guacamole (on that page, listen to the horrendous pronunciation - little red speaker). Man, I could eat that every meal. Oh, hehe, we took a one night hiatus from the
SBD. It was great. After, we came home, I played a little Jade Empire (it just gets better and better) and we ate our ch-cakes. Jen had banana (yech, I thought, but I tasted it and it was actually pretty good). I had raspberry lemon and it was fantastic!!! The funny thing: we couldn't either of us finish our pieces. They were too rich, and that has never been the case for either of us before. Gee, guess this diet is doing some good! All in all, a good day.