I shan't stand for abridgment, even if it is a cheaper download. Ha!
I just decided that I need/want to make all my links open in new windows without having to use target=_new each time I insert a link. In my quest to find a way to do that, or have it done automatically rather, I found a site that I plan to use in the future: http://www.boogiejack.com/html_tutorials.html I don't know what all he has now, but I'm sure some of it will be useful unfortunately, it did not solve my "problem. Onward...
Ran across an really peculiar site while looking for the code I need: Vintage Girl Watchers. There may be a slight delay in me finding the appropriate code...
Okay, I think I've got it! The links should all open in new windows now without me having to tell them to. That is if the box for it is checked, which it will be by default.
Harrump! I tested it and it worked perfectly, then I decided I didn't want to do that after all. If I include that code, all my comment links and permalinks will open in new windows too and I don't like that. What a waste of time. Oh well, I learned how to do it at least. I got the code from DynamicDrive, a great place for scripts.
In the words of Jewel at RockFest back in June '97, "Damn, guys, it's hot here!" Woo Hoo, we were there!!! It is really hot here today too. About 90 freakin degrees.
And there may be a slight delay in my hand smacking you!
wait...wait...[smack]...ouch!...sorry dear!
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