Yesterday we went shopping with Dobie and bough Brendan some birthday presents since his B'day is coming up on the 20th. We got him the Word Whammer Fridge Phonics Set at a discount store (for 16.99 instead of the normal 24.99) and a tent at another discount store. The tent at least initially will go in the big room. Maybe after he's in school, some friend can camp out in the back yard with him. It's big enough (it says) for two adults, but on the package it says "Ideal for Children!" - to me that means, 1 skinny adult, or two kids. Either way, it will be fun for him we hope. Also, at the place we got the tent, I saw these. I don't know what the hell they're good for, but they sure are a good deal!!!

We've sent out invites to the little party and gotten many of the preparations done. Jen enticed people by saying that she wasn't telling the sex of the next baby until Bren's birthday party. We're finding out the sex on Thursday afternoon, so that's getting exciting. We had a few things for him already, but we're not sure he's ready for them so we're just going to save them.
Last night we watched the first episode of Modern Marvels from the season 1 DVD set, so that was cool. It was about Apollo 13. We've been watching Medium lately, and a few Good Eats too.
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