October 26, 2005

New Zoom Code

I think I'm really going to like the new zoom code I've added. I originally got it from Daan on this thread http://www.jsworkshop.com/bb/viewtopic.php?p=118, but I've modified it a little since then. For use in Blogger, you edit your template, and add this to the HEAD area near the top.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">

function PicWindow(piclink)
pic = new Image();
pic.src = (piclink);

function PicWindow_GetSize(piclink,attempt)
if (attempt == 20)
else if (pic.width != 0)
attempt += 1;
timeoutfunction = 'PicWindow_GetSize("' + piclink + '",' + attempt + ')'

function PicWindow_Open(piclink,width,height)
width = width + 20;
height = height + 20;
win = window.open(piclink,'','width=' + width + ',height=' + height);


Then to make the link where a person clicks, you use this code:

<a onMouseOver="window.status='Zoom in!'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=' '; return true;" onclick="javascript:PicWindow(this.href);return false;" href="MyPicture.jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="MyPicture.jpg"> </a>

Instead of "Zoom in!" you can put any text you want. Also replace MyPicture.jpg with your filename. You can even use http://www.server.com/MyPicture.jpg if you need to. Just mind your quotation marks!

For a while I was working on changing the window title of the popup to something like "Zoomed Picture", but I just didn't have the kind of success I wanted. http://www.javascripter.net/faq/writingt.htm helped me a lot, but I ended up not using it anyway. All this is useful practice for my javascript skills, so none of it is wasted effort really.

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