I've been to two house parties in the last two days. That's more than in like the last year! :) Friday night, JL, Jen, Josh, Christopher, and Charles came over and we had lovely queso, fajitas, tamales, and fresh baked cookies. We played Wii (Mario Party 8) for a long time and it was a blast. We're gettin a Wii. (Dreaming.) It was superfun. We were up until 5am playing Halo, DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball, and Soul Calibur. My enjoyment decreased as the time went on and I eventually dozed in the recliner. I really don't care for games like Soul Calibur - I suck at them and don't find them enjoyable at all. The last fighting game like that that I liked was Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle for SNES. But that was for the characters, not the gameplay. :)
Then last night we went to Jen's friend Ann's house - well, really Jen's friend is Sarah, Ann's sister, but it's all the same. There, we ate fajitas (!) and Marie Callender's pie, and Jen took tasty Brownies (my fave). We played Wii there too, which made us want one even more. We played the normal sports games, but what was really fun was Guitar Hero III. I have got to have this game. I only played one song, Hit Me with Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar, but I did pretty well. For my first time playing, I think 85% is respectable! It was on easy, so it was only green, red, and yellow, but it was loads of fun!!!!!!!
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